Fingerprint Fairy light name

Fingerprint Fairy light name

Fingerprint Fairy light name

This Fingerprint Fairy light name craft is really simple and quick to set up, it only takes two steps! This makes it a perfect craft for a time limit or for large groups such as Preschool groups and classes. These names look particularly great at Christmas but can also be used for any other time of celebration!

You will need:

4-6 colours of paint
White paper
Permanent marker

(or a pen that wont bleed)
Coloured card to mount your picture
A wet wipe
(so that you don’t mix colours)

Take your permanent marker and write out your desired name in long loopy letters, make sure the letters are joined together so that it looks like the wire of your fairy lights! Don’t worry if it doesn’t look perfect, once the little ones start printing it will look great!

add fingerprints all along the lines of your letters to make your Christmas lights. you could optionally mount the pictures on coloured card but it isn’t necessary.

And that’s your fingerprint fairy light name done. It really is that simple!