Paper Halloween spiders.

Paper Halloween spiders.

Ted’s Paper Halloween spiders.

We’ve gotten behind on our Halloween decorations this year, so the last few days have been packed with Halloween crafts. How sweet are these paper Halloween spiders that my son made, I was really impressed with how they turned out and wanted to share them with you. They look great hung up in our window, ready to greet the trick or treaters next week!

You will need

Black paper
Coloured paper
Googly eyes

From your black paper, cut out a circle to make your spider’s body.

Then, using your coloured paper of choice; Cut out eight pointed spiders legs. Use your glue stick to secure your spider’s legs to the back of his body.

Take a selection of googly eyes and secure them randomly around the top portion of your spider.

Then add a mouth and two pointy fangs – your Halloween spider is finished!

Did you like Ted’s paper Halloween spiders? why not check out my Halloween paper ghosts?