Diy foam pig door sign

Diy foam pig door sign

Diy foam pig door sign

Ted has decided that he wants to decorate his door with animals. So the last few days we’ve been busy crafting some funky foam creatures. This cute little pig is our favourite so far and has taken centre stage to make our diy foam pig door sign. Ill be sharing our other foam animals at somepoint soon so keep your eyes open for those if you’re looking to make a little collection!

You will need

  • Coloured foam
  • Googly eyes
  • Black marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pink pipecleaner

First you will need to cut out the base shape of your pig’s body. Draw a circle and add two rectangles for the legs as shown in the picture above.

Cut out a smaller circle for the pigs head and glue it down on the body.

Give your pig two pointy pink ears and a oval snout.

Now to give your pig his cute little face! Glue on two googy eyes, two nostrils and a smiley mouth. Also draw or stick two little hooves at the bottom of his legs

To make your pig’s curly tail; twist your pink pipe cleaner around a pencil and then stick it in place at the back of your pig and he is finished!

Why not glue your pig to a strip of card or foam and make your very own door sign?

Did you like this diy foam pig door sign? Why not check out this paper plate orca?

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