Toilet roll astronaut craft

Toilet roll astronaut craft

Toilet roll astronaut spaceman craft for kids

How adorable is this little toilet roll astronaut craft? What with being at home so much over lockdown, my little guy has got fed up with playing with the same toys. So to pass some time we decided to make our own new toys. We made some bottle space rockets and these little space men. My son absolutely loves them, hes played with these so much more than any of the toys we’ve bought from the shops. He makes up his own little narratives and ‘whooshes’ them around the house. We even have little cardboard box space stations set up in different rooms. Why not have a go at making your own?

Here’s what we used

  • TP Roll
  • White Paper
  • Coloured paper
  • Eye stickers
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Glue

Take your TP roll and measure a length of paper the same height as it and wide enough to wrap around it. Glue the edges of your paper and secure it around your tube.

Toilet roll astronaut spaceman craft for kids

Cut out an egg shape for the face and decorate it with some eyes, a nose and a mouth. Then, take your face shape and glue it near the top of your TP roll.

Next you’ll need to make the springs for your arms and legs. To do this, take two strips of paper and glue them at a right angle as you can see above, then take turns accordian folding them one over the other before gluing them together at the end. You’ll need to make 4 springs.

Toilet roll astronaut spaceman craft for kids

Glue your 4 springs in position as arms and legs.

Cut out two over sized space mit shapes and two big space boots. Glue them in place on the end of your springs.

Toilet roll astronaut spaceman craft for kids

Finish off by adding some fun decorational buttons and strips and your astronaut is ready to be played with! Doesn’t he look fab?