I know I should probably be uploading Halloween crafts this week but all the Christmas goodies popping up in shops and Christmas movies being shown on tv are making me feel extra festive! I Can’t wait for Christmas with our little ones this year. The first thing we usually start making at Christmas is the cards, just so that we have plenty in lots of different designs. This woven paper Christmas tree design is one of my favourites, its great for practising motor skills and hand eye co-ordination and it looks really sweet too!

You will need:

Light green paper
Dark green paper
Yellow paper
Brown paper
A folded piece of card


To start, take your green paper and cut out the triangle shape of your tree.

Now, take the bottom part of your triangle and fold it around a cm up. Take your scissors and make little snips in the paper evenly spread about 1cm apart.

open up the fold and extend the snips to fit your Christmas tree. Try to make sure you don’t cut open the edges of your tree. If you do however, don’t worry you can just secure it with Sellotape!

Take your dark green paper and cut it into strips. Individually thread the strips into your Christmas tree following an under, over pattern.

Secure the strips down on the back of your Christmas tree using Sellotape. If your strips overhang on the front of your Christmas tree; simply fold the strips over the sides of the tree and secure with tape.

Use your yellow and brown paper to cut out a star and a tree trunk, glue them into position.

Did you like this Woven paper Christmas tree craft? why not check out my simple popsicle stick snowflake decorations?

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