Popsicle stick flowers

Popsicle stick flowers

Popsicle stick flowers

With all this cold and wet weather spring seems a million miles away but it’s never too early for some bright and colourful spring crafts! We had so much fun making these popsicle stick flowers that we ended up with enough to make our own garden. They look adorable and are great for decoration, handmade keepsakes or to stick on a card.

You will need

Popsicle stick
Pom Pom
Green card or foam
Coloured paints or felt tip pens

First you will need to colour your popsicle sticks. Paint four in the colour that you have chosen for your petals and then paint one green to make the stem.

Glue your popsicle sticks in to a flower shape as shown above.

Take your green popsicle stick and glue it to the back of your flower head. put your flower aside to dry

Glue a large pom pom down in the centre of your flower, then cut two leaf shapes out from your foam (or card) and stick them centrally near the bottom of your stem. Your Popsicle stick flower craft is finished! How sweet do these look?

Did you like this spring craft? why not check out this pom pom painted sheep?

Click here to visit Madhouse Mummy Crafts on Pinterest

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